Defensible Space
We create a landscaped area around your home to slow the spread of wildfire and give firefighters a safe area to work.
Home Hardening
Our contractors use building materials and installation techniques to increase resistance to heat, flames, and embers.
Our ember-free zones create a 5ft ember resistant barrier around your home. IBHS states that this is one of the most critical zones to protect because it reduces the ability for windblown debris and floating embers to smolder and reignite against the side of your home.
We use decomposed granite, drought resistant species of plants, and other non combustible material to build this zone as per IBHS standards.
Defensible space is the most straightforward way to protect large land parcels from fire reaching their property. We recommend that landowners with vegetation density greater than 50% in their 5-30 ft or 30-100 ft zones get this work done.
Our defensible space projects are all done to the standard of CA PRC 4291 as a certifiable guideline to make sure the work is done correctly to secure your property.
Ember resistant vents are the foundation of any home wildfire defense according to IBHS. We recommend any home in a moderate or high fire risk zone that has not gotten their vents upgraded to ember resistant vents get this work done.
All of our vents pass ASTM E2957 / E2957M certifications and are heavily lab tested to protect homes from wildfire.
Gutter Guards can keep vulnerable areas on your roof and eaves clear of leaves and kindling that can act as fuel sources near very sensitive areas of your home. Installation of gutter guards are a key factor in whether or not a structure can survive a wildfire.
We use the highest quality vendors and installers, all of our gutter guards are pass ASTM E2886 / E2886M certifications.
In the event there is a fire near your property, making sure your driveway and road access are cleared so that fire response teams can access the property quickly when they need to get there. We recommend this treatment for homeowners in high fire risk areas who have driveways that are obstructed by overhanging vegetation.
This treatment is done to the standard of CA PRC 4291 as a certifiable guideline to make sure the work is done correctly to secure your property.
Decks and porches near the main structure are key fire risk points that need to be managed, maintained, and protected. We are able to retrofit decks with non-flammable designs, as well as coat them with an intumescent paint or stain, which is a flame retardant layer that prevents the spread of fire.
Our porch wildfire defense work is all done to the minimum of SFM Standard 12-7A-5.
A non-combustible roof is a key facet of defending your home from wildfire. Fortunately, most homes on the west coast already have non-combustible roofing installed. However, we are able to help you judge and resolve this issue if you need help here.
Our roofing rework is all done to ASTM E108 - 20a standards as is considered non-combustible.
Once all the initial and basic work has been done, if high risk home owners are interested in going above and beyond to secure their home safety, we recommend replacing single paned windows with double or triple paned windows.
Our window retrofit recommendations all pass minimum SFM 12-7A-2 standards and are rated for fire.
Large scale property owners can go the last mile to securing their property and grounds by signing up for a regularly scheduled flame retardant gel application called “Phos Chek”. It dramatically reduces the ability of fire to spread on any treated property for 2 months post treatment.
This is a safe material certified by the US forestry service as non-toxic to local plant, mammal, and fish life in the area.
Some large estate owners (especially those with high travel times from local fire departments) want to install their own home sprinkler systems as a tool of last resort.
These are large projects, but we have several effective options available upon request via the property owner. All our sprinkler vendors are certified to the standards of NFPA 13, Section 8.15.7 CFC 2016 Chapter 9